Tuesday, December 11, 2007

thank you God bringing me to Liberty University
thank you for letting me be in a country where i can worhsip you freely
thank you for letting me b in a country where i can feel convenient with saying that i'm a Christian and to read your Bible
thank you for my family for they support me and love
thank you for my friends that i have for i learn from them and learn how to love others
thank you for my pain for i learned how to be a strong man and it made me wise
thank you for allowing me to live today
thank you for saving my soul Lord
thank you for education
thank you for love
thank you for everything
i thank you God for my first semester of college being awesome and if it is your will for me to have more semester of college at liberty i hope they are awesome too.
my first semester of college was pretty well. i made new friends. i learned about worldviews and just a whole bunch of other cool stuff in GNED like logical fallacies. english class taught me to write better essays in which more logical coherence vocabulary usage and all of that jazz. my math class wasn't a waste of time which i thoguht it was. it was a good time to brush up on the things i need to know to excel int he upper math classes that await me. i met a lot of good people here. it helped me to get a vision of what i want to do with my life.
it's funny how people try to justify something wrong. for example a friend of mine smokes and as he decided to quit he said that he was going to keep his lighter so that if someone else needed it to smoke. so i said why would u help someone to smoke when you're quitting because you know that it's unhealthy. basically, he defended himself by saying that he's looking out for that person because they need something. i mean yeah that's good to look out for people but is it for a good end. looking out for someone to inhale chemicals into their body and damage theirs lungs and everything in their body their brain isn't right. also the other night this same friend threw a bottle at our other friend's car because someone in that car threw a bottle at his car of course. even though they did it first it doesn't justify that act by doing it back when it was wrong in the first place. and i explained this to him, and he still tried to justify it. o well, i just do my best to be in honest and speak what's right and if they don't understand or agree i leave it up to God.
today i had my math 100 final exam. it was EASY! i think i got a 95 or higher. there were a few things that i wasn't sure about. also i had my new testament bible class final exam. it was an open book exam. even though it was open book i didn't get an A on it. i hated flipping through the book looking for all of the answers so i just guessed or use common sense to on some of the questions. i did my laundry today. i was scared for a second doing my laundry because before i put my hands on my colored clothes i thought i had clorox on my fingers and i wasn't sure if i did or not so i thoguth my colored clothes were gonig to come out bleached thank God that it didn't. i bleached two hoodies and a nice ralph lauren shirt already. i bleahed the ralph lauren shirt like two weeks after i got it i was aaaaaanngry. oh well ddong happens so you can learn from them. i also sold back some of my books. i'm really tempted to sell back my english books but i also want to keep them because i may need them in the future.

Monday, December 10, 2007

before i went to sleep last night i spoke with a friend and a prayer leader in my room. We talked about my questioning of why God allows people to go to Hell and about all of our temjptations and stuff. I'm saved but sometimes i doubt it so at the end of the conversation i prayed the prayer to be saved. with the friend i talked with last night, he always encourages me. he makes me want to take action on the crossroad that i am and attempt to walk the road with Jesus. neways..i have a math 100 exam at 1030 am which i'm really prepared for and i didn't study tha tmcuh for it and then i have my Bible exam at 1:00 pm.
how do you tell your own friend a good friend that he is annoying. or maybe i just get irritated easily which i think is kind of true. neway today i woke up had breakfast and came back and took a like 3 hour nap which i didn't intend on doing but since i have a runny nose and a sore throat my body needed more rest. i studied for english and math today and a little for my bible class, new testament with dr. towns. my Bible exam is oben book. i studied a lil bit or in other words read through a book for my Bible class to know where i need to go to to find an answer during the exam. the exam isn't even that long i think it's just about 40 questions. i didn't learn that much in my Bible class it is kind of my fault because if i truly wanted to learn iw ouldn't done it myself but i think the professor for the Bible class that i'm in should find a different kind of teaching method. the time of the day for that class wasn't good for me too. it was from 2 o'clock to three fifteen. so yeah i was up for about almost 6-7 hours already with about 6 hours of sleep so i got sleepy in that class all of the time.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

i went to church this morning. it was Dr. Town's sunday school. The lesson was about the seven "I am"s in the gospel of John. i forgot a lot about the lesson because i was thinking about a girl that was sitting a row ahead of me. she was so pretty. i was thinking if i should go up to her and ask her if i could sit with her or i should try to catch up with her after the service and introduce myself and just talk with her. she's so pretty! after the service she walked out pretty quickly and i thought i could still bump into her outside for both of us were there to get extra credit and with the notes we fill out for extra credit we have to take a to a desk so that's what i mean when i thoguht iwas oging to bump into her it hoguth i would see her there but I DIDN"T. oh well. i've been seeing her once in awhile on campus. she's been giving me that eye-contact. i'm going to try to talk to her the next time i see her.