Sunday, December 2, 2007

Working out today

Today i was on the mechanical bike for about 15 minutes and i worked myself fairly hard on it. i could've worked a lot harder. I worked out on my abs too. Abs are always tough for me, because i barely worked out on them ever. I'm producing hard abs though slowly. I need to eat healthier so that i can lose body fat so my abs will be more visible. I'm getting more serious with my weight lifting and physical goals and it's helping me quit my sins. I shot around a little bit with a friend of mine and played ping pong too. both exercises were tedious. ping pong was a lot of fun because the friend i play with is always competitive. it was a good game because he was always about 4-6 points ahead and when it was 19 to 11 i caught up a lot to 20 to 18 and then he won 21 18. i learned from my mistakes though and simple things like make sure to always hit the ball over the net and don't hit the ball with too much power.

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