Sunday, September 9, 2007


It's Sunday afternoon and i just got done studying for a my clst quiz tomorrow. i have this blog and one more to do later today and to be on track with the class. I also have to study for a GNED quiz tomorrow. I have a math test and clst test later this week. I think i would be more motivated to study right now if i wasn't so hungry. I only ate once today and it barely filled my stomach; i have about ten french fries and 5 buffalo wings. I dont really want to talk about anything deep or meaningful right now because i'm lazy. Both of my roommates sleep on the top bunk and one of them fell off while he was sleeping and hit my laptop and now my screen has some cracks in it. They are internal cracks though and my laptop is operating perfectly, so i'm alright. I'm just glad that my roommates is okay, although he says that his ribs are bothering him and he has a bruise on his ribs. Anyway, i gotta go study now.

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