Wednesday, September 5, 2007

God has been answering my prayers. I've been praying and asking others to pray for me to wake up early enough to make it to class. I don't only wake up early enough for class but i also wake up to eat and then go to class. I'm happy about waking up in time for class, because I get really upset when I miss a class due to my desire to go to class and learn.
Today, i'm going to go to GNED class and hopefully learn a lot. I hope that i can pay attention and understand everything that Professor Weider teaches us. i really like this class because i already got a blend of it in high school. I'm really happy that my Bible and Philosophy teacher in high school prepared me with knowledge and logic to understand and keep up in GNED class.
After both of my classes today, i'm going to go eat and then work out. After I workout I'm going to go do some homework and then hang out with my friend.

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